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Thank you for stopping by as always my goal is to inspire and transform your life. What type of relationship do you have with your body as that is the definition of health? Is the relationship with your body toxic or nurturing? Does it involve unhealthy foods, a sedentary lifestyle, or pushing yourself to the brink of breakdown? If it’s the latter, I can relate as that was me. My entire being was very toxic as in the past, I ate lots of meat, fried foods, processed foods, smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol among other unhealthy behaviors.

Eventually, I developed early stage heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypothyroidism and was forty-six pounds overweight. Last year, I rediscovered I lived with intestinal worms and an overgrowth of candida yeast for over thirty-eight years, as I learned all of my elimination channels were blocked and toxic. There was so much waste in my body that my body attempted to remove it via my skin. Seventy percent of my body is now darker than the other thirty, however, I consider myself the two-toned beauty.  While healing my body, I discovered many ways to create optimal health, but I shared six of them here. You can find the full story in my latest book, Detox or DIEt and purchase it on Amazon.

1. Drink Plenty of Water: In fact, drink water; half of your weight in ounces. Your gut is no different than a toilet stool and needs flushing with plenty of water. Have you ever wondered why the toilet has so much water in it? Seriously. 

2. Perform Weekly Enemas or Hydrotherapy Twice a Month: Your gut is your large intestine, and the small intestine dumps waste there. Enemas and hydrotherapy (water therapy) assists in removing stored waste from your colon. If you are 38, you have 38 years of stored waste. Imagine that. 

3. Exercise
: Exercise such as cardio increases peristalsis or intestinal muscle movement that in turns removes waste from the colon. Sweating also eliminates toxins from the body. Two hundred minutes of weekly cardio equals weight loss.

4. Eradicate Intestinal Worms: If you have ever eaten dairy products, meat, fish, sushi, drank water in America or have any symptoms of dis-ease, you have intestinal worms. Purchase wormwood or black walnut. Many doctors believe that intestinal worms are the source of all disease.

5. Balance the Yeast: Stop eating white sugar, sugary drinks, sweets, flours (bread) that rise, or any other high carb or starchy foods. Take a 50 billion probiotic. If you have ever experienced ringworm as a child, any skin condition, have belly fat or dark circles under the eyes, allergies or sinus pressure, you have an overgrowth of candida yeast. 

6. Plant-Based Organic Diet: If it doesn’t come from the ground, don’t eat it. I know that may be hard, but take one day at a time and after three weeks of no meat, not only will you starve the parasites; you will lose the desire to eat meat.

Coach Kelley 
Transforming Lives Worldwide

Thank you for reading as I look forward to reading your comments.


Personal Power (Solar Plexus, 3rd) Chakra

We talk about being “in our emotions” quite often, but what if your feelings are directly related to your overall health. I define emotional freedom as liberating yourself from negative emotions via forgiveness. In this space, one can create the most significant experiences. However, if one doesn’t understand how the Personal Power chakra is directly related to emotional and physical health, overall disaster occurs. Some people call it the Solar Plexus as it directly relates to the Sun’s energy and is our own little fireplace.


Chakras are energetic vortexes within the human spiritual body that attracts and emits energy. Chakras are the primary source of your life force, and their well-being is vital to your holistic health (Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual). We have seven within us as they also govern the health of a specific organ. The Solar Plexus chakra controls the digestive system and its ability to digest nutrition. It is also our willpower and regulates our ability to achieve greatness and mentally understand our deepest emotions.  An inactivated Personal Power chakra results in some of the dis-eases I experienced and discussed in my most recent book, Detox or DIEt. The Solar Plexus chakra is located slightly above the navel and speaks to self-esteem, security and is the core of our personality and ego. The Solar Plexus chakra is about loving, nurturing, accepting self and understanding that inner voice that guides us. Self-acceptance and how we feel about ourselves determines what we will experience in life, relationships, business and so much more. A balanced Solar Plexus chakra presents itself in one who is confident, self-motivated and “on fire.” 

Emotional Freedom

Many people lack emotional freedom as most want to blame others for their emotions. No one wants to be responsible for their unhealthy feelings. You have to be responsible for your feelings as you have to learn to acknowledge, respect and release them. We must be willing to forgive self, others and learn from our pain. 

Closed Solar Plexus Chakra (Personal Power)
Never satisfied

Low self-esteem and confidence 


Difficulty concentrating 

Inability to make decisions 

Physical Dis-Ease Associated with Closed Personal Power Chakra


Digestive, liver or pancreas disorder 

Clearing, Balancing and Energizing Your Personal Power Chakra.


Eat yellow foods

Wear yellow clothes

Spend time in the sunlight 

Decorate a room with a shade of yellow

Bathe in yellow water 

In essence, your health is your wealth, and more importantly, your thought paradigm initiates the “thing,” your emotions amplify it, and your behaviors create it. Having read this blog and understanding the spiritual aspect of physical diseases, I encourage you to take better care of you. I experienced a long list of physical ailments that initiated in my mind as I had no idea years ago that to be physically healthy you have to be mentally and emotionally healthy. Thank you for reading as I look forward to reading your comments. If you need further assistance, please Click here