Thank you for stopping by as always my goal is to empower and transform your life.
Have you ever truly seen your man, I mean naked, emotionally naked?
Have you ever seen beyond his physical being and looked into his soul?
Has he given you the opportunity to see his fears, insecurities, pain, or the self behind the ego?
Have you ever seen the depths of your man as he reaches the depths of your body?
His pain, fears, anger, jealousy, and insecurities are really the beauty beneath his physical body.
The beauty that calls for him to trust you and share his deepest secrets.
As he cries and lays his head upon your breast and wishes for you to nurture him as he longed for it for many years from his mother.
The security that was stolen from him as a little boy and now he’s a man with the same fears and insecurities.
His strong arms hold you gently and tightly as he just wants to feel your warmth and security.
You rub his head and assure his safety, the safety of his heart that was once discarded.
He is beautiful and strong as he cries and reconnects with his little boy’s pain.
He is beautiful as he withdraws and emotionally clams out of fear you might not understand.
He is a man.
A man in touch with his feminine energy and not afraid to be judged or accused of being a bitch.
He is a man.
A wounded man, who never healed from the wounded boy.
He is a man.
A man who trusts you, his woman, to understand, have compassion and love him for who he is.
He is a man.
A man who once lived in fear and until he felt your love, he can now live.
He wants to heal, but he needs to know he can count on you to support him and not judge him.
He opens up and shows you the beauty of a wounded man.
The pain deep down in his soul that has prevented him from loving and trusting you the way you deserve.
He’s a wounded man, but he’s a loving man.

He loves you, but his pain is deeper than you can imagine.
Hold him, love him, empower him, cry with him, and never degrade him.
He is a man, OUR man, the man who will protect and die for you.
Cherish him, encourage him and, let him be.
He’s wounded, but he’s beautiful as he allows you to see the true depths of his soul.
He removes his Ego and allows you to see his true self.
The pain he suffers, the fears he faces, the insecurities he lives with and the jealousy that scares you.
Have patience with him as he is a man, a wounded man, in need of real love and compassion.
The Wounded Beautiful Man
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Authored by:

Healing Enthusiast
Holistic Healer
Life & Wellness Coach
Professional Speaker
International, Award Winning Author